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Making a Personal Habit

Set a growth or improvement goal and then make sure you stick with it

Updated over a week ago

We all have personal goals and ways of working we wished we followed through on. Many of us promise to always pre-read before meetings or stop to listen when someone disagrees with us. Most of us fail to actually do those things.

Personal Habit helps you deliver on your commitments.

How to create a Personal Habit

  1. Click on Habit in the left side navigation bar, then click My Habit

  2. Click Create Habits

  3. Create your own statements, or pick statements from the templates (each organization has access to different templates)

    1. You can also change the type of the statement to Range, Binary or Open text questions

  4. Click 'Next: Add Colleagues' after you finalize the list of statements you want to lock in as your commitments

  5. Click on "Only me" or "Me and Others" according to whether you'd like to get feedback from others on your habits. This could be your line manager or a peer who is supporting you.

    Click 'Next: Configure Cadence'.

  6. Decide the cadence at which you would want to check in. You can set it up to your preference.

  7. Click on the 'Next: Review Habits' button and take a final look at what you have set up. Once you're good to go, make sure to click on 'Launch Habits' or they will not save.

Accessing and understanding the Habit results

  1. To access your Personal Habit insights, click "Habits" in the left navigation bar and select "My Habits"

  2. For the appropriate Habit, click 'View Results'

  3. You'll land on an overview of your Habit. On the left hand side, cycle through specific dates on which your Habit survey was sent.

    Use these results to check in with others and understand how the changes you decided to make have been going so far, and understand areas to add more focus to or areas to stop focusing on

Pro tips from Valence Coaches

  • Make your Habit statements as objective and observable as possible. For example "I asked at least 3 people for feedback this week" as opposed to the less specific "I get feedback from others".

  • Set reminders for yourself to be very frequent (e.g., 3x a month) so the topic is front of mind

  • Set no more than 3 Personal Habits at any given time. If you succeed at fully adopting one swap in a new one.

Channel your inner Rocky and live those good habits!

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