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All CollectionsTool Guidance: Reflect 360
Generating and reading your Reflect 360 Report
Generating and reading your Reflect 360 Report

Key features, tips, and how to best make use of your finished Reflect 360 report, or to help someone reflect on their own report

Updated over 5 months ago

At this stage, either you have completed the self-assessment part of the Reflect 360, and gotten responses back from others, OR you're helping a colleague debrief on their report with you. What's next?

Closing the Exercise

The first step is to close the exercise:

  1. Click "Reflect360" on the left navigation

  2. Click "Close and generate report"

Once closed, you'll be emailed a copy of your report, and you can also access it at any time on the Reflect360 page from the left-side navigation.

The Report

The Reflect 360 report is broken down into three parts which guide you through the process:

Digest results

When debriefing the Reflect 360 report, begin by walking through the “Digest Results” tab. This tab is broken down into your identified areas to celebrate, areas to understand, and areas to prioritize, as well as any qualitative feedback that respondents provided for each of the statements

When going through this section, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. When initially reviewing the results, what was something you were proud of?

  2. What surprised you about the results?

This page also provides various lenses of analysis. It shows areas where you are more positive and/or more negative than your respondents, and also a detailed breakdown of each statement, separating out how you rated yourself vs how your respondents rated you with the ability to further segment respondents by their role (managers, peers, direct reports, and others).

Click on the arrow next to any of the statements to bring up a more detailed view including a scatterplot breakdown, feedback from your team, and suggested resources to improve.

General Tips and Strategies for this section:

  1. Don't skip over the celebrate areas! Take a moment to appreciate what is going well.

  2. Look for areas where you are different from your respondents. Why might these differences be there?

  3. Are there differences between the respondent sub-groups themselves? For example, does your manager think you could improve in an area but your peers think you already do well at it? Why might that be the case, and what can you do about it?

  4. Find ways to leverage your existing strengths when developing areas of improvement. For example: if my direct reports think I'm not great at clarifying vision or direction, but they do feel I communicate well, can I leverage my communication skills to better clarify our team's direction?

Reflect on Results

Use this section to rigorously prioritize areas for improvement by selecting the following:

  1. The top 2 things that made you proud

  2. The top 2 things you want to improve on – understanding what it would be like to make this change and what is holding you back

Then, after you've identified improvement areas, discuss Habits you would like to adopt in order to drive this improvement. (Pro-tip: research says asking someone to keep you accountable to these commitments makes you 80% more likely to follow through!)

Sharing your Reflect 360 results

Once you have reflected on your results, you can share the report with anyone from your team (usually a manager or HR Partner) or reflect on the report with a Valence coach.

To share your report, go to the 'Reflect on results' tab in your report and Click on "Copy report link" under Reflect with a coach/peer or manager.

This will copy the link to your clipboard, and you can then share the URL with your desired recipient.

As you're reflecting on the results, we encourage you to set up a coaching call with a Valence coach. Reach out to us for our insights to get an idea of what we notice and our recommended next steps.

Commit to Habits

After you have had the chance to reflect on your results and work with someone to build action items and remain accountable, it's time to commit to making those changes.

This page helps you launch our My Habit tool, a simple and straightforward way to make these commitments and keep yourself accountable.

We also have tips on how to make a great habit. Stick with it! Real improvements are incremental and take time.

As always, if you have any other questions please let us know.

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