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Getting the most out of Perspective

There are many ways you can use Perspective to gain insight and learn to work better with colleagues

Updated over 3 months ago

You've just taken Perspective, or are thinking about it, and want to know all the ways to make it impactful. No problem - there's a gold, silver, and bronze level of usage. Pick the one that fits your Olympic dreams! (And check out a demo if you're unsure)

Bronze: Learn about yourself

After completing Perspective take a read through your personal results. There's a lot of information in there. Take a look through all the lenses and you can even choose to agree or disagree with pieces of the assessment.

After reading through, take a couple of minutes to reflect on the implications of what you've just learned. Think about examples from the past that suddenly make sense, and also what this means for you in terms of interpersonal communication techniques going forward. A real keener will identify behavior changes they want to take based on the results and set them up as Personal Habits.

Silver: Find commonalities and differences with a colleague

In the Pair Perspective Report, click on the drop-down menu in the top left corner.

Then, search for your colleagues! We recommend a colleague who's new on the team, someone you often work with, or (often the most insightful) someone you're having tension with, and click on them to see where you're similar or different. This can be a way to break the ice in a 1-on-1 conversation with someone!

Many teams will already have several people who completed a Perspective on their own that you can compare to. Plus, you can invite other colleagues to take Perspective as well!

Gold: Get your whole team to do Perspective and use the Perspective Discussion Tool

The most insights will come if your whole team does the exercise and discusses the results together. Team Perspective is geared to quickly uncover tilted viewpoints or even blindspots that your team may not even be aware of.

All these insights can be found under the "View Team Report" tab in the Perspective menu. Here's an example of a discovery we made about ourselves: the Valence team is mostly composed of both structured and exploratory preferences, so we have to be careful about making sure to agree upon how we're getting organized as we kick off projects, or there can be confusion!

This team conversation can be truly transformative, offering powerful insights into how you work together. Our Perspective discussion tool guides you through a structured, interactive session - making it easy to facilitate meaningful conversations and capture key insights along the way.

Want some extra support? Connect with a Valence coach to review your team's results and get personalized guidance for your discussion. Our coaches are here to help you make the most of these valuable insights and create lasting positive change with your team.

Plus, the more you get to know your teammates the more you can figure out which one of them might be this guy:

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