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Why use the Reflect 360 tool

Learn about our lightweight and learning focused Reflect 360 tool - get feedback in 5 minutes

Updated over 3 months ago

This article is on the benefits of using Reflect 360. If you're ready to get going right away, skip ahead to our step-by-step setup guide.

Getting feedback from your colleagues is a great way to improve oneself quickly. Valence has a Reflect 360 tool that is a quick and simple way to get that feedback.

An easy, quick, and lightweight is the way to do feedback

You're often stuck between asking each colleague individually for feedback and often hearing nothing from or running a very robust and long 360 process where you and your colleagues are subjected to 30 minutes of questions and dozens of pages of a report.

We want you to get a small dose of insightful feedback with <5 minutes of effort for you to set up or your colleagues to give input.

You'll learn what your colleagues think are the most important leadership skills for your success, and how you're doing on those.

What happens when you use it

Your colleagues give you feedback on the importance and performance of a bunch of leadership dimensions. They simply place 16 statements on a grid based on importance and how well you are doing. Note that you do the exact same activity to rate yourself.

Once everyone has completed the exercise you'll be able to see the results. You (and you alone unless you choose to share your report with others) then see the heatmap of responses.

Of particular importance is to notice where your answers differed from those of your teammates (as these are often blindspot areas).

You'll also receive open-text feedback from people on your team based on why they ranked you high/low on certain statements, and any other feedback they have for you.

How to start

Here's a step-by-step guide for setting up a Reflect 360. Or just go straight to your Reflect 360 page right away. It's a simple setup, we promise.

In no time at all you'll be targeting and improving your key development areas.

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