Getting started with your Reflect360
Important note: If you are a manager or an HR Partner looking to support an individual you work with, check out this article.
If you are an individual looking to launch your own Reflect36, follow the steps below!
Gathering feedback is only 5 easy steps away!
To get started click on "Reflect 360" in your app navigation bar on the left-hand side then click on "My Reflect 360".
Click on the big blue "Start Reflect360" button.
3. Select the template you want to use (you can preview the statements of each template beforehand), and then click "Start Self Assessment"
Important note: You may have custom templates if your organization has created them. Please reach out to us at if you have trouble accessing the correct template!
4. Complete the self-assessment. If you're pressed for time, you can move directly on to the next step (inviting others), but make sure you come back to complete the self-assessment later.
5. Next, invite participants. The best way to invite participants is by adding each member's name and email address. This will send them an email invitation to complete this exercise, send them reminders if they don't complete it, and allow you to review who has not yet completed the assessment.
The minimum number of invitees you need for a Reflect360 is three!
Alternatively, you can copy the exercise's URL and paste it into an email to your team manually. This means that they don't get reminder emails prompting them to complete the exercise if they haven't done it, and it's more difficult for you to keep track of who has not responded.
However, this can be a good approach if you find that your organization's email is blocking emails from third parties.
To view your 360 report and the next steps
Tracking responses
To see who has responded, click "Reflect360" in the left navigation at any time.
Click on "Options" then "Manage Participants" to see who has completed the exercise and (if you invited via email rather than copying the link) who hasn't. You can also invite more people here and send reminders to those you've already invited who haven't yet responded.
Viewing your report
When you have all the responses you're looking for, click "close and generate report" (note: you need a minimum of three responses to close).
Next steps
As you're looking at the results, we encourage you to set up a coaching call with a Valence coach to reach out to us for our insights to get an idea of what we notice and our recommended next steps.
Set up time with your leader, HR partner, or a trusted peer to reflect on your report and think about growth-oriented goals to set for yourself using our Habit tool
βAnd if you're stuck on something while setting up, reach out to us through the little blue chat button in the bottom right corner! We'd love to hear from you.
Getting in-depth feedback including reasons why people are responding the way they are is crucial for development. Draw inspiration from these guys: